Superhot pc review
Superhot pc review

It started out as a 7 day Game Jam project made by a.

superhot pc review

SUPERHOT IRL (as opposed to the game universe) is the quintessential success story.

#Superhot pc review code#

Needless to say, that second playthrough won’t have anywhere near the same impact as it did the first time, though a minority will want to wring out every last morsel Superhot has to give. A code was provided by the publisher for review purposes. If Superhot were any longer, it would lose that all-important momentum it manages to build up so well. The sound design is equally understated, patching together the chirps, drones, and buzzing of computer hardware with an occasional burst of Daft Punk-esque electro.Īlthough some will call the game out for being short, this actually works in its favour. Using only a modest dash of colour and basic lighting, environments have a sleek and stylish aesthetic, halfway between an architectural model and digital simulation. A team of Tactical Dolls or T-Dolls and their newly assigned human commander are sent on missions to face a new rogue threat, Sangvis Ferri. All the while, Richard struggles with a secret. They definitely help to add some much-needed bulk yet don’t have the same draw as those core missions.Īnother aspect many will latch onto is Superhot’s minimalist look. The Wars of the Roses rage, and Richard’s father, the Duke of York, is vying for the throne.

superhot pc review superhot pc review

Upon reaching its conclusion, Superhot invites players to dive back in and test their skills with bonus modes and a series of challenges. Superhot Review Jim Hargreaves 24/07/17 Comments Closed This is the brilliantly simple premise that underpins Superhot, one of last year’s most celebrated shooters. Red dudes may be cannon fodder but they’re still fun to kill.

Superhot pc review